Sunday, December 22, 2013

Watering down drinks can help reduce calories

Another trick to reduce calories is to water down your drinks. I've never been a water drinker, but adding a touch of something else has always made it better. For example, I love wine, but instead of drinking it pure, I'll use 1 part wine and 20 parts water. Over time, you will get used to the taste and actually like the hint of wine in your water. This also works great for people who don't like drinking but still want the health benefits of wine. Of course, it's a major faux pas to water down wine, so get ready to catch some flak for that. In public, I either have to sneak water in or have two drinks where I sip wine then drink water.

Coffee, tea, juices and soda are also great candidates for watering down.

Another trick, for tea, is to combine sweet tea with unsweetened tea, thereby halving the calories. Before I stopped drinking sodas altogether, I used to drink unsweetened tea with my meal but then refill the drink with soda as my dessert.

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