Friday, December 20, 2013

Enhance other diets with Taste!

Through out my life, like many of you, I've had my share of diets. I've tried and liked Atkins, Paleo and recently enjoy the 5:2 diet. The problem with those diets is that you are restricted from eating your favorite foods, but if you combine the Taster Diet with them or others, you can still enjoy banned foods. After being on a no carb diet, I didn't want to eat that way for the rest of my life. It becomes a "Quality of Life" principle for me.

For example, breads are a no no for the Atkins and Paleo, but sometimes I just don't want to resist a good old fashioned toast with melted butter. Mmm. (Oh how I savor that.) So, I'll chew it up, and again, if I'm by myself, just spit it out in a trash can. When around others it requires more skill but I'll get to those tricks in another post.

Diets don't have to be a pain. Enjoy the taste of your favorite foods just don't swallow the calories!

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