Thursday, December 19, 2013

Taster Diet Basics

For years I've had people ask me how I maintain my weight. Recently, a person saw me eating a doughnut, and then I came back for another, and so he asked me how I could eat all those doughnuts and still stay thin.

I said, "I didn't eat any doughnuts."

He said, "But I saw you take three."

I smiled and said, "I just chewed them up and never swallowed."

That's the gist of the Taster Diet.

When people first hear my practice they think it's gross, but after I explain it, many come to realize it is actually a good idea. Of course, some people have said I should tell people to have better self control, but sometimes self control isn't the problem.

I'll be honest, I love cookies, doughnuts, cake and chips too. I could decide not to eat those foods again, but why? I love their taste, I just don't like the calories they pack. If there is a chocolate chip cookie in my house, I will eat it, and many years ago I realized that the best part of eating wasn't the swallowing, but the tasting of the food. I learned to chew my favorite treats and savor the taste, but when I was ready to swallow, I would simply spit it out.

People often say that's gross, but never once has anyone caught me in the act. In fact, the only way people found out about my secret is after I tell them.

Last year, I ate lunch with an old friend and she told me how she had gained too much weight because she just had to eat something and it was a bad habit. I told her my method, and she realized she could still "enjoy" her bad habit, but not reap the consequences.


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